Make an enquiry or report an issue

Tell us about an issue in your local area, make a request for a service, or ask for information from the City. View the City’s Customer Service Charter for our service standards and response timeframes.

Need to report an urgent issue? Call the City of Nedlands on 9273 3500

  • Urgent requests will receive a high priority response from the City.
  • Urgent requests are considered matters that pose a danger to the public; for example, damaged and dangerous infrastructure or wandering animals. In the event of a life-threatening emergency contact emergency services on 000.
  • The customer service team have processes in place to ensure that your urgent request is escalated through to the appropriate area for an urgent response.
  • For this reason, please contact the City on 9273 3500 to report your request. You can call this number 24-hours a day for urgent / high priority assistance.
  • If you are unsure of the correct request type, please call the above number for assistance.
  • All non-urgent issues will be processed via the City’s online enquiry portal.

Waste and Recycling

Bin Collection General Enquiry
Dog Poo Bins and Bags
Report a Damaged Bin
Report an Overflowing Bin
Request a new/upgrade/downgrade bin
Any Other Waste related Enquiry


Apply for rates rebate or concession
Annual rates or balance enquiry
How are my rates calculated
Request a copy of my rates notice
Register for eRates
Change of address
Payment arrangement or installation plan enquiry


Tree causing obstruction
Request for planting trees or vegetation
Tree pruning request
Tree removal request
Fallen trees
Leaves blocking gutters or drains or litter
Damage caused by trees

Planning, Building and Construction

Have your say on current development applications
Report an issue with a construction site
Make a suggestion for future City planning
Building permits and approvals
Swimming pool inspections
Search for a land or building plan
Traffic management plan approvals
Make a planning application
Track my planning application
Planning application complaint
Something else
Retrieve property files

Parking and Vehicles

Parking infringements
Illegal parking
Abandoned vehicles
Parking management
Traffic calming and road crossings
Stirling and west coast highways
Something else

Roads and Footpaths

Maintenance - footpaths and verges
Maintenance - kerbs and gutters
Maintenance - signs
Driveway crossovers
Road works
Traffic management
Road sweeping
Street lights
Something else

Parks, Ovals and Reserves

Environmental conservation
Bookings enquiry
Repairs and maintenance enquiry
Something else

Business, Trading and Suppliers

Food permits and licences
Street trading
Business support and events
Business permits and approvals
Tender/RFQ enquiry
Supplier payment enquiry
Something else

Public and Environmental Health

Noise disturbance
Pest control
Graffiti - waste
Littering and illegal dumping
Hazardous material
Bins - overflowing
Something else

Libraries, seniors, arts and childcare centres

Tresillian Arts Centre
Point resolution childcare centre
Arts and culture
Positive ageing (seniors activities)
Library services (inc. books on wheels)
Something else

Sport and Community Services

Youth and children
Book a sporting reserve or oval
Sporting clubs
Disability access
Community groups
Grants, funding, sponsorship and awards
Something else


Community events and Citizenship ceremonies
Planning an event (inc wedding ceremonies and parties)
Hall bookings
Hall repairs and maintenance
Filming, drones and photography
Something else

Animals and Pets

Pet registration
Animal - lost and found
Dog - attack
Dog - barking
Animal - infringements
Pest control
Something else

General enquiries and opening hours

General enquiry
Opening hours
Change of address - notify us
Underground power

Comments, suggestions, feedback and complaints

Make a suggestion or comment
Provide feedback
Make a complaint
Request an internal review of complaint resolution

Freedom of Information, Media and Employment

Freedom of information request
Recruitment enquiry
Media enquiry

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Make a general enquiry