City Projects
The planning process for the 2028 Strategic Community Plan identified that ongoing investment is required to maintain the City’s infrastructure at an acceptable level and continue to provide services to the community. The City’s Asset Management team critically reviews the condition of the City’s Assets and proposes capital works to sustainably provide a suitable level of service to the community. Infrastructure works are prioritised on the City’s 10-year financial plan which generates a Capital Works Program each year. A summary of the completed projects in the 2020-21 Financial Year is provided below.
Railway/Aberdare Intersection
Significant planning and consultation have been dedicated to the improvement of the intersection at the corner of Railway Road and Aberdare Road. Detailed design, including geotechnical and utility service investigations, has commenced with preliminary investigative works revealing ground conditions and constraints associated with the project.
Montario Quarter Development
The redevelopment of the former Shenton Park Hospital site continued throughout the year with further works completed on Stages 1 and 2 of the development. A plaza was created along Seymour Avenue and another was completed linking Selby Street to Dawes View. Design works were completed on Stage 2 of the proposal which is due for completion in 2023.
Road Resurfacing and Rehabilitation
Renewal of the road network undertaken helps improve the amenity and safety of the road network which is currently 155km in length. Such renewal works also improved stormwater collection, treating more storm water, closer to the site of capture. The Safe Active Street initiative, along Elizabeth Street and Jenkins Avenue, was also completed in the last year. During the current financial year, the following roads have been rehabilitated and/or upgraded:
- Karella Street (East),
- Lissadel Street,
- Melvista Avenue,
- Brockway Road,
- Elizabeth Street (Safe Active Street Part 1),
- Jenkins Street (Safe Active Streets Part 2), and
- Hampden Road.