General Compliance
Rangers are authorised to monitor and enforce compliance with specific Western Australian government legislation and local laws. Rangers investigate litter and illegal dumping and compliance for off-road vehicles and camping.
Unlawfully disposing of litter is an offence under the Litter Act 1979. Rangers can issue infringements or prosecute offenders based on the severity of the offence. The maximum penalty for individuals is $5,000 and $10,000 for a corporation.
Illegal dumping is the dumping of rubbish or other unwanted items onto vacant land, street verges or parks and reserves where it is not permitted. Rangers will investigate and prosecute wherever possible – but it remains the land owner's responsibility to remove the items in instances where the offender cannot be identified.
Bill posting refers to advertising material being placed on any buildings, fences, poles or other structures without the permission of the owner. It also includes the leaving of advertising on vehicles. Bill posting is illegal and offenders can face infringement notices or court prosecution.
Littering from vehicles, including cigarette butts, is illegal. In instances where the litterer or vehicle driver cannot be identified, the registered owner of the vehicle will be deemed to have committed the offence.
If you witness littering, please contact Rangers on 9273 3500 between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, and provide as much information regarding the offence as possible. If the items dumped pose a serious threat to the environment or public, please contact police on 131 444 or the Environmental Protection Agency on 6145 0800.
Further information regarding litter can be found on the Keep Australia Beautiful Council website.
Off-road vehicles
The use of off-road vehicles is prohibited within the City of Nedlands.
Use of these vehicles must occur on private land with the owner's consent or at approved off-road facilities.
There are no off-road vehicle areas within the City of Nedlands. Penalties apply and Rangers may impound vehicles. Offenders should be reported to the police or Rangers with details, registrations, times and dates.

All reserves, park, foreshores and beach areas are for day use only – camping is prohibited within the City of Nedlands. There are no designated camping grounds within the City.
Caravan and camping parks are situated in some areas of Perth and outside the metropolitan area for this purpose. Within the metropolitan area, the use of hotels, motels, backpackers' accommodation and other facilities is recommended.
Report any suspicious activities to the police on 131 444 or Rangers on 9273 3500.

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