Annual General Meeting of Electors - 15 May 2023

Monday, May 15, 2023 - 06:00 PM

Location: Council Chamber

Annual General Meeting of Electors 

The Annual General Meeting of Electors is to be held at 6.00pm on Monday, 15 May 2023 in the Council Chamber at 71 Stirling Highway, Nedlands for the purpose of receiving the Annual and Financial Reports 2021/22 and General Business.

Copies of the Annual Report will be available from 27 April 2023 via the City's website or hard copies are available upon request at administration or by emailing:

Copies of the Annual and Financial Reports will also be available at the meeting.

 Any questions you wish to ask at the meeting are to be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer by 12pm Monday, 8 May 2023 via


Registration for Attendance

All attendees are requested to please register their attendance by email

The Annual General Meeting of Electors will also be online, accessible to the public via livestream.

For further assistance please contact the Executive Officer (08) 9273 3500.

Livestream Link below: 

 The Annual General Meeting of Electors - 15 May 2023