Policies & Framework 


The City’s Local Planning Scheme No 3 was gazetted in April 2019. The Local Planning Scheme sets out the rules for development in the City, and includes maps that provide land zoning, which indicates the type of land uses that may be possible in particular areas.


The City’s Local Heritage Survey (formerly named the Municipal Inventory) is a survey of heritage places/precincts that are identified as being culturally or historically significant to the City. The Local Heritage Survey includes a Place Record for each entry which details what is known about that site, building or landmark. Places and heritage areas/precincts identified within the local government’s Local Heritage Survey will be assigned a management category of either A, B, C or D, depending on their level of significance. The Local Heritage Survey is an Information only resource and not an instrument for development control. Owners of places on the Local Heritage Survey are free to develop their properties in accordance with the local planning framework.

Local Heritage Survey

The City’s Heritage List forms part of Local Planning Scheme No.3 and identifies places that are of cultural heritage significance and worthy of conservation and protection. Inclusion on the Heritage List does have implications on the development of a property over and above the requirements of the local planning framework. The inclusion of a place on the Heritage List does not prohibit the development of the place. Instead, changes made to the place should be sympathetic to the heritage value of the place.

Heritage List 


Local Planning Policies provide localised guidance on development to the City and members of the public. Local Planning Policies complement Local Planning Scheme No 3, providing a comprehensive suite of guidance documents to ensure consistent decision-making is maintained. The Local Planning Policies include: